Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Do you remember this post?  I signed up for two free issues of Marie Claire.  Well, I got 'em. I'm not really sure why anyone buys this magazine.  It's got little substance, and very expensive/ugly clothes.  UGH.  Can't wait til K's school does the magazine drive.  I'm having Lucky and Cosmo withdrawals.
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, I got my nails done today.  I always like to mix it up a bit.  So I got glittery white solar tips. CUUTE!
My nail girl was excited that I was taking her suggestion this time.  I apologize for the lousy picture, but this is the best picture I could get of the glitter without the flash.  I had to take it with my phone.  While searching for better pictures on the internet ((0% success)) I found the coolest thing ever.  It's called Konad, and it's a metal stencil/stamp combo.  They have gorgeous designs.  Lookit here--
It's just this nifty little set.  This is definitely on my Wish List.

I found this surfing through one of my newest favorite blog, From Head To Toe.  Her name is Jen.  She is beautiful, has great style, creative fresh ideas & ALWAYS cute nails.  She turned me on to this Konad Nail thing-a-ma-bobber.  It's wonderful, and I want one!!

((Please click on photos for close-up))
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
We were Downtown yesterday.  I wanted to go to Spanky's (only to realize they had closed).  So we decided to walk down to Turtle Place as we'd heard they put up a new sculpture.  Indeed they did!  I love it!  VERY Pacific NW!
It's a bunch of outdated equipment from Clark Public Utilities, C-Tran, & the department of the city in charge of street signals.  It's to remind us to Conserve, Reuse & Recycle.  I think it's absolutely genius, not to mention just plain awesome! The very top is an old street light where the water comes from making it a fountain!

Here is the mural, taken before the sculpture was moved here.  It now sits right about where that white pick-up is.

I really enjoy the character that Vancouver has to offer, I don't see myself ever moving from here.

**Keep in mind this used to be a transit center.  Much better!!
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, it's almost here!!! Halloween!!!  MY favorite holiday of the year.  I'm going ALL hand-made this year.  I've already decided that I'm going to tweak the idea of the first costume and be a peacock.  I'm trying to gather REAL peacock feathers for the skirt though!  I have ideas for Marcus and Kyndra but I have to run it by them first!  Anyways, handmade halloweens are always the most fun.  So I've found some awesome Flickr photos of handmade halloween costumes.
Why do babies in costumes always cry?

Lela from Futurama!  Awesome!----This is the one that I am altering for myself, great idea!  I love peacocks!

If you have found any other cool ideas, please feel free to post them in my comments!  Thank you for visiting, hope to see you all again soon!
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I was talking to a friend on a forum and she told me that she was eating a margarita cupcake she had made earlier that day.  So she sent me the link to the recipe on this wonderful blog called Hostess {with the MOSTESS}.  I fell in love instantly, and thought these would be perfect for the wedding that me & my love are catering next weekend.  We were having a Fish BBQ this weekend, so I knew there'd be plenty of guinea pigs.  So off I went to the store to buy ingredients.  I replaced soy milk with regular milk and "course sugar" for sour apple cupcake sprinkles. I also doubled the tequila. 
I really loved the way they turned out.  So yummy, and you get a little wobbly from one.  Had to keep them away from the kids.  
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I think that the DMV should include a psychological test in with the physical driver's test and the written portion.  I was sitting at a red light, third car back; in the "going straight lane" and a big red truck with spinners was in the "turning lane".  I was being a safe cautious driver minding my own business and all of a sudden I hear screeching noises.  I noticed the douche-bag in this red truck was going 30 in reverse.  He was trying to get in the lane behind me, on his way coming no less than an inch from slamming into the rear panel of my driver's side.  I almost pissed myself.  The light turned green, and I got to the front of the line and sat there til the next green light.  I was in no hurry.  What the hell is wrong with people??
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, I wanted to share a few helpful facts that I've recently learned with you.  While doing research I found a few more. 
Google Text is the best invention in the world.  Seriously.  You want restaurant phone numbers?  Directions?  Maps?  Weather?  A glossary?  Straight to your text messages?  Just text the keyword to 466453 ("GOOGLE"), and voila!  Click here to learn more. 

You can use dryer sheets to dust with.  AND they repel dust!  How cool is that?
We all love a hot steamy shower in the morning.  Do you hate wiping your mirror for it fog back over in 30 seconds?   Wipe your mirror down with shaving cream before your shower and it won't fog.  Swear.  I do it all the time.  My boyfriend hates me wasting his Barbasol!

If you have any other "Did you know"s please feel free to leave them in the comments.  If I get enough I will do a sequel!
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I told you I would come back and tell you how Kyndra liked her new backpack and her door sign.  She loved them.  I got a gasp-thank you-big hug.  YAY!

I dropped her off for school this morning, and she ran out of the car, up to her friends and was pointing to her bag.  YAY!

Thanks for all the comments, guys.  Great inspiration to start my next project!!  Cross Stitch--wish me luck, it's been forever.
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, I decided I wanted to make a stuffed letter K for Kyndra's bedroom door.  Two days later, without further adue:
Now, this is my first attempt at this sort of project.  To be honest, I'm not too happy with the results.  
♥The shape turned out funny. 
♥The ribbon is crooked.  
♥I overstuffed the middle. 
But I guess that's the beauty of hand-made: ONE-of-a-kind.  NOT perfect.  
Again, I update you on if she likes it.  Fingers crossed.
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
My boyfriend's daughter wanted a messenger bag for school this year, and we found this one for $9 at Ross, so I decided we'd get it and I'd embellish it a bit.  Please let me know what you think, opinions are ALWAYS welcome.

I had to cover the tag at the bottom right.  I had trouble thinking of how to balance it.  I think I did an okay job.

I really like the simplicity.  She hasn't seen it yet, so cross your fingers for a GOOD reaction. 
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I have something special for you today.  Tons of free stuff.  These are the things that I signed up for.  Below are a few links to find your own things.
Simply click on the photo for the link to sign up!
Beautiful colors, Hand-made, and it's FREE!
In case you didn't know, caffeinated soap is awesome for coffee junkies!! 
And it also helps reduce skin cancer and cellulite!
Free bakeware, your choice!  Lots of choices!!
Okay, now how cool is this?  I will post a photo of Marilyn 
cuddling in this awesome bag when it arrives!
I really hope this arrives, cause these are COOL!
Who doesn't want a free candle?? 
Take a relaxing bath ((don't forget your new soaps)). 
Also, visit some of my favorite free goodies websites: 
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
 Do you love the NFL?  Not me.  Do you love Dutch Brothers? I do!
So, I guess I'm playing.  My love for Dutch Brothers over-rides my dislike for competitive sports.
Read the rules, play, win free coffee for a year!!