Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Ok, two more weeks and all this madness will be over!!
BUT til then, I've got another Bundle Monster sneak peek.  This time--a comparison of the full nail sizes between the first set and the new one.  Check this out!

 Much better, huh?  I Love that one on the far right that looks like falling petals!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I saw Bundle Monster's Facebook post last night and since I wasn't home, I couldn't post.  I emailed Prettyfulz, so she could let everyone know!  But Bundle Monster has finally received their whole set.  It's gorgeous.  They've also released two more sneak peeks.  Also, if you look closely at the third picture you can see a few designs previously unreleased.  I'm sure since they've showed us these pictures they will release all plate previews soon.  So, without further ado:

Cute, huh?  I love the vintagey looking tree design and aztec-like pattern. 

 Sneak peek numero dos.  I can't get over how cute that rainbow is.  

Can you spy a few designs we haven't seen yet?  Hehe.  

We've also been told that they will have a backing similar to actual Konad plates, and the price will be $21.99 for the set of 25 plates!  How exciting, right?

Ok, here is the newspaper nails I promised.  

I certainly can't take credit for this design, I did bite it from Starving Nail Addict.  I think I've come up with my own method, which seems simpler.  

STEP 1: Paint a base color, I chose NYC 207. 
STEP 2: Cut newspaper strips.
STEP 3: Soak Cottonball with rubbing alcohol. 
STEP 4: Lay newspaper on cottonball. 
STEP 5: Press firmly onto nail, hold 15 seconds, remove. 
STEP 6: Apply topcoat, I of course love SECHE VITE.  

I used my China Glaze Ruby Pumps to stamp the lips on my thumb and ring fingers from Bundle Monster plate BM02. 

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
For some reason I rarely do purple manicures, which is strange seeing as how its my favorite color. This time purple on lavender using my H9 plate from Chez-Delaney.
 I like how this turned out.  One step above subtle!
Yup, you guessed it...its another sneak peek from the *NEW* Bundle Monster. I got my tip from Prettyfulz. SHE even sent me a comment this time! I cannot wait for this set to be released!!!

{{I apologize for the short post with no links but I'm blogging from my phone.}}

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Hi there, 
I stopped by Sally's Beauty Supply and got two new China Glaze colors. 

Left: Sweet Peri-wink-le (Can be light blue or lavendar depending on the lighting)
Right: Ruby Pumps (Has miniscule red shimmer, going to be perfect for the Holidays)

I've been LOVING all the lace manis that everyone is trying, so I decided to do my own version.  I love this one!  
For the flowers I used Bundle Monster plate BM12
For the net I used Konad plate M79
The base is the wonderful Perwinkle China Glaze above. 
I used Sinful Colors Black for stamping.  

Here are the new plates!  They finally arrived.  The great net pattern used in my lace is from the far left plate.  Below I will show testing of some of my favorite designs.  I couldn't help but to test them out right away!
The reason that I got these plates so cheap was because they said some of the engravings weren't deep enough.  I had no issues.  They're all great!!!
If ya'll notice I'm now keeping count of my polishes && Konad/Fauxnad plates!  Keep checking back to see how my collection grows!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
They released another sneak peek of one of the new Bundle Monster plates today.  I already posted the first one that they posted today.  I just checked, and here's ANOTHER.  In the same day!!!!!!!  That's so awesome.  


SO cute.  I love the fishnet pattern, the witch's hate, the 80's pattern, the hearts, the quirky peppermint candy and I'm not really sure what that bottom pattern is.  But I like it.  
I can't wait til this is released.  Does anyone know if they are having a pre-sale?  Or if you can reserve your set? 

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I know you guys have been itching to see this as much as I have.  I get all giddy when I hear that there's another sneak peek from Bundle Monster.  I get my news from Prettyfulz since I don't have Facebook anymore.  You can all follow Bundle Monster on Facebook

So without further ado, here she is:

Super cute, huh?  Makes me even more excited for Halloween.  I love every design on this one!  You can even tell that the full nail designs are larger.  Yay for that!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
My nails were getting pretty long, and I was beginning to love it.  And what happens when I start to love my nails?  One breaks, cracks, chips or I slice it off while shaving my legs in the shower.  Yup, I know its happened to you.  If not, you're a LUCKY!  


((In case no one's noticed, I like to take some of my nail pictures in the car as the lighting is the best.  That's my steering wheel.  The second best place is at work in the kitchen.  It's just the lighting...Daylight is always best.  
So, here is a new mani, with short nails.  I don't mind the length too much though.  At least they're all even!
I know this one is a bit busy and that wasn't my intention.  Although I still kinda like it anyways.  The picture really does this manicure no justice.  This was shot 1 of 56 and was the best I could get.  
The base is Sinful Colors "I Love You" {{Three coats}}
Over top of that I applied Sinful Colors "Frenzy" {{New buy, look back}}
Then I stamped L.A. Colors in Silver using my Bundle Monster BM16 plate.  

I'd really like to know everyone's HONEST opinions on this one.  I didn't like it at first, but it realllly sparkles in the daylight.

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Alrighty folks, I got another Spring time manicure for ya. I really like how this one turned out though!!!
The base color is "Unicorn" by Sinful Colors.
The dots are "Innocent" by Sinful Colors.
For the dots I used Bundle Monster BM19.

Let me know what you think!!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
...And I don't like it. 
I don't normally do my nails pink.  It might be because of my skintone or that I don't own any pink clothes.  I just never do my nails pink, but I bought a pink polish for Spring.  So I tried it.  

 For this mani I used Sinful Colors in Beautiful Girl 
The glitter is from The Color Workshop (no I.D.)
The Lollipops are from Bundle Monster plate BM02

I think this turned out a little too cutesy for me.  
P.S. Keep your eyes on the ever-changing clicker on the right.  I'm now tracking my nail polish collection, the number will likely continue to grow!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Hey you.  
Yeah, YOU!
Check out this GIVEAWAY!
Kirsten and Nicole over at Glitta Gloves are giving away SIX crackle polishes!!!

Wow!  I hope I win!  Or at least someone that learns from this giveaway here.  I've been drooling over crackle polishes and just can't decide on what color to get.  This makes it easy!  

Good Luck, ya'll!!

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Hi there, 
I don't really know where to start today.  I will leave the BIG news for last.  First, here is my newest polish haul:
Beautiful Girl by Sinful Colors (Very Eastery!)
Unicorn by Sinful Colors 
Frenzy by Sinful Colors (I just LURV multi colored glitters!)
I decided to buy a few cheap Fauxnad plates from Chez Delaney.  Here they are and what design made me decide to purchase them.  
I bought this one because of the clouds and criss cross pattern.  Oh, so many ideas!!!
I bought this one because I love every single design on it...Other than the weird paisley looking flower.

If you know me, you know I bought this one for the leopard print!  But I also LOVE the zebra heart and the bunny!  With Easter coming up, I thought this one will make some adorable manis!

I bought this one solely for the tooth, cause I think it'll be cute to wear to the dentist.  I also love the dove and the ladybugs!

With shipping and tax I only paid $27 for these four!
Now for the BIG news, are you ready?

Bundle Monster is coming out with a second line of plates!!  EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!  There's more NEWS!  There will be 25 instead of the 21.  AND they've listened to our constructive criticism and the full nail designs will be a bit larger!

And without further adieu, here is a sneak peek!

How adorable!  I love the star tips, the piano keys and the swan!  I cannot wait for more sneak peeks and for the set to finally come out.  I don't know what the price will be yet, but I'm hoping they stay as affordable as the first set!  We are looking at about three more weeks until they are released!  I know, I know.....EXCITING!  I will be purchasing them as soon as they are released!

**Edit: Sinful Colors Unicorn photo belongs to wwww.masterpieces.blogspot.com. I simply googled these photos, if any belong to you let me know and I will certainly give credit where credit is due. Thanks!
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I needed to run to Walgreens to get some nail polish remover.  It's basically IMPOSSIBLE for me to go there without buying at least one bottle of polish.  Well, this time I bought FOUR.  And a new Sinful Colors basecoat.  So, here they are:

Wet N' Wild in Gray's Anatomy
Wet N' Wild in 9021Orange
Wet N' Wild in Night Prowl
Wet N' Wild in Rain Check

I have a friend that is a nail tech and she always gives me guff for buying cheap polishes, but you know, if you've got Seche Vite it turns ANY polish into magic!  Besides if you expand your horizons there are so many more color options.  

And here is what I did today:
The base is NYC in Sidewalkers
The chain design is in Sinful Colors Black on Black
The plate that I used for this design is Bundle Monster BM12.  

Please, let me know what you think.  Comments are ALWAYS welcome!