Hi there, I don't really know where to start today. I will leave the BIG news for last. First, here is my newest polish haul:Beautiful Girl by Sinful Colors (Very Eastery!)
Unicorn by Sinful Colors
Frenzy by Sinful Colors (I just LURV multi colored glitters!)
I decided to buy a few cheap Fauxnad plates from
Chez Delaney. Here they are and what design made me decide to purchase them.
I bought this one because of the clouds and criss cross pattern. Oh, so many ideas!!!
I bought this one because I love every single design on it...Other than the weird paisley looking flower.
If you know me, you know I bought this one for the leopard print! But I also LOVE the zebra heart and the bunny! With Easter coming up, I thought this one will make some adorable manis!
I bought this one solely for the tooth, cause I think it'll be cute to wear to the dentist. I also love the dove and the ladybugs!
With shipping and tax I only paid $27 for these four!
Now for the BIG news, are you ready?
Bundle Monster is coming out with a second line of plates!! EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! There's more NEWS! There will be 25 instead of the 21. AND they've listened to our constructive criticism and the full nail designs will be a bit larger!
And without further adieu, here is a sneak peek!
How adorable! I love the star tips, the piano keys and the swan! I cannot wait for more sneak peeks and for the set to finally come out. I don't know what the price will be yet, but I'm hoping they stay as affordable as the first set! We are looking at about three more weeks until they are released! I know, I know.....EXCITING! I will be purchasing them as soon as they are released!
**Edit: Sinful Colors Unicorn photo belongs to wwww.masterpieces.blogspot.com. I simply googled these photos, if any belong to you let me know and I will certainly give credit where credit is due. Thanks!