Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Dark purple with alternating inside and outside diamond patterns in silver.
Yellow Zebra Print.
Pink Zebra Print.
Black Polka Dot with black tip french mani.
Gliterry pink with black kisses ((Valentine's Day))
Blue with white flowers.
Another Valentine's Mani. There's also some white heart rhinestones I've recently purchased from Ebay.
Superbowl nails. Was it clear that I was routing for the Steelers?
Lavendar with Purple Spirals.
My favorite: Lavendar with white polka dots and black peace signs.
Purple with a silver starburst on my ring finger created with small strips of scotch tape.
If you have any questions on how any of these are done, please feel free to ask. Thanks.
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, if you remember (or read back) I've set some New Years Resolutions for myself. Here I am to let you know where I stand on those:
I'm 13 pounds closer to my weight loss goal.
Hope you're all as proud of me as I'm proud of myself. Thanks for reading, again and always.