Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I TOLD you I'd be back.  Like I said there's lots of new things going on for me.  I got to celebrate one year at my job this January.  Pretty exciting.  I celebrated four months with a magnificent man this month as well.  You'll hear more about him later!!  I bought a new car on New Year's Eve.  It was an adventure!  My collection of nail supplies has increased.  FUN FUN FUN!!!
So, the boy:
His name is Brandon.  He's amazing beyond belief.  We met online, so to those who don't believe that's a valid option for meeting a good man; you're WRONG!  He makes me so happy.  Pictures will come, once I talk to him about it.  Or if you're real nosey you can check out my Facebook!
The car:

It's a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4.  And it's PURPLE!  I'm in love with it!!!  It runs great, I had it thoroughly looked over and had to have the dealership replace the brakes and tires which they obliged.  It's a great ride except for GAS!!!  EEeekk!!  But if anyone remembers I had a V6 Toyota Camry that was quite the gas-hog because of all the issues it had.  The dealership gave me $2100 for it!!!  That's simply nuts because the KBB value is only $800.  I kept my mouth shut!  It'll be ALL MINE in three years!  Woot!

My bestie built me this amazing nail polish rack.  It really holds about 170.  If you can't tell, lots of the shelves are doubled up, I have to use the top as a shelf and lots are sitting on the shelf below it.  I'm in need of another one, but I LOVE IT.  Which brings me to the next subject...my collection.  I went from 180 polishes to 223 in about 4 months.  In this time, my stamping plate collection has also increased from 76 to 127.  I'm a little surprised because I thought I had a much larger problem :P
I'm intrigued to see who will come back to me since I sorta abandoned y'all.  Hope to see some responses.  
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Hey there folks, 
The reason that I have been MIA is because my laptop broke.  I FINALLY have a new (to me) one.  So we are back to action.  There are lots of things that I need to update.  I have tons and tons of new polishes, plates and a really awesome nail polish rack. Built for me by my super kick ass best friend.  There's lots of new happenings in my life and I will eventually get to them all.  I'm hoping to see you all come back here and hope that I haven't lost any of my readers.  
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