Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Sometimes you don't realize how much people care or how big some people's hearts are until tragedy strikes.  I'm sure you've all heard of the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona this past Saturday.  She was shot in the head at a grocery store during a meeting with constituents.  The assailant, Jared Lee Loughner won't speak of the event.  He murdered 6 people (including a 9 year old girl born on another tragic day, 9/11/01) and injured 13 people including Mrs. Giffords.  She is doing well, has opened her eyes a few times and gave a thumbs up.  Such events really bring together a community and a nation. 
I have a wonderful friend, Zoë who came up with an idea to show Mrs. Giffords how much her community cares.  In her own words, here it is: "I've asked many people to draw a flower for her on this sheet of paper, and I sincerely hope to get it to her somehow. I think it's more effective than just signing one's name--you've got to take the time to draw the flower and think about *why* you are drawing it. You have time to... put some love and some thought behind it. Most people, when I asked them to participate, just laughed and said, "Okay, but I can't draw". I told them, "I don't care if you can draw, as long as you can love."Thank you to everyone who has participated--I never imagined the paper would get so full. There is still room for small flowers on this sheet, but I will be creating another one as well as a collage of the drawn flowers of non-Tucsonans who email them to me. Again, thank you so much for your love and support."
Isn't she such an amazingly thoughtful and loving person?  Below is her first sheet of flowers.  
 Below is the flower I drew and sent to her to add to the collage. 
I love to see how people come together in times of tragedy to support each other.  Thank you for showing me how much one person can love, Zoë.

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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea

Happy 2011!  It's officially 1-1-11. ((Don't forget there will still be 1-11-11 & 11-1-11 & 11-11-11). Yup, that was unnecessary, but I'm working on two glasses of wine here.  
I thought it only fitting that I post a NEW YEARS post.  Come on, it's a 2011!  YIPPEE!!  Now it's time to talk GOALS.  Resolutions, friends.  Below I will share with you some of my goals for the year.  I'm not usually one to make goals just to break.  But this year will surely be different for the fact that I feel my soul and spirit getting stronger.  I know I can meet these goals.  My goals/resolutions for 2011 are:

These are very important goals to me, and I only share them with you, my devoted viewers and followers because I trust that you will root me on in my difficult journey.  
Thank you to all that supported, followed, viewed and commented My Cup of Tea in 2010!!

You are truly loved and valued!