Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Saturday was catalog day!  I got 6 catalogs in the mail!!  That NEVER happens.  I've always been one for mail-order catalogs.  I think my mom started it with her Fingerhut and Avon catalogs when I was younger. 

My Alloy catalog blew my mind.  I know it's juniors, but take a look and you'll see what I mean:







There's so much stuff that I want.  Everyone that loves me, you now have my Christmas list!!!  I am extremely tired, everyone.  Good night. 

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
So, I was so stoked to get a comment from Lindsey @ Better After saying that she was featuring my reading nook on her blog!  What?  REALLY?  One of my favorite Interior Design blogs featured ME!  It was such an honor that people thought my handiwork worthy of posting about.  Thank you so much for the ego boost, Lindsey!!  She has a wonderfully amazing blog, guys.  You should ALL go check it out. 

In case you didn't get the link from above, you can click here, here or here.

Thank you to everyone you commented, complimented & encouraged me.
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I'm getting slightly into stamping.  Well, scrap-booking.  Well, just card making really.  And a bit of tag making.

I want these stamp sets::
ALL by Thomassonlane on Etsy.  They're only $2.50 a set.  SO cute!!!  Oh, how bad I want!!

Look how cute some of these stamped cards are:
AWWWW!!!  Don't you love them?  Don't you want to buy me these stamps?  LOVE!!
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Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
I finished the desk and chair Sunday around 9pm.  I apologize that it's taken so long to post pictures.  I decided to skip step 2, so as not to spoil the surprise.  So, without further ado:

{Ugly & Neglected}

{Distressed & Renewed}

I sanded everything down in preparation for paint, then applied two layers of Black Rustoleum.  I let it dry for 10 hours and then sanded and hammered the pieces to my heart's desire. 

Here's another Before & After:
{love it, love it, love it}

{I love the handles turned upside down}  
{And I was skeptical about turning the missing drawer into a book shelf, but not anymore!}

Thought you deserved to see the whole reading nook!  Just in time for winter!
{The painting on the mantel was done by an ex-friend (long story), but I still love it.}
{The vase on the fireplace was done by me, in high school.}
{The dried roses are from my sweetie.}
{The picture above the desk is a Salvador Dali print ripped from a book and framed.}

Might as well share the new living room set
{Couch purchased from Aaron's}
{The paintings behind the couch are by our friend, Loren Shaw}
{The four on the opposite wall are watercolors by my sweetie's 9-yr-old daughter}
{Notice the X-Box controller *rolls eyes*}

{42" Sharp Aquos}
{Is it obvious I've been working a lot?  Only the X-Box on the shelf}

Thank you for all that commented and believed in my DIY abilities.  This was my first time refinishing any piece of furniture.  It's fun!!!

Shanty 2 Chic

Cherish @ My Cup of Tea

So, we are getting a new sectional, 42" flat screen LCD, and a new TV stand.  So, I decided since it's "out with the old and in with the new" that I wanted to refinish some old furniture.  I moved some stuff around, and now I'm creating a reading nook next to the fireplace.  SO, I'm painting an old desk and chair black and distressing it.  Here is the 1st of a 3-part series to show the progress of the set. 
The desk is a hot mess.  Missing drawer, stickers, scrapes, scratches, and ugly hardware.  The chair just needs some TLC, really.  So, I'm painting everything black and distressing it with sandpaper and a hammer.  The missing drawer is being turned into a mini book shelf.

Oh, and the inside of the desk is a Organizing Queen's dream!!  Look at the awesome compartments!! I plan on storing my laptop in here.  Yay!

I decided that instead of buying new hardware I would take some sandpaper to it and then put them back on upside down.  See above.  I dig it.  What do you think??

There will be more to come.  The next post will be when everything is painted, and ready for distressing.
Cherish @ My Cup of Tea
Now, I'm not a writer; but I know good writing.  I've finally come across a romance novel I had to put down. We all know how cheesy they can be, but that's the fun part.  HOWEVER, I just picked up Trouble in High Heels, and it was garbage.  Sorry, Christina Dodd.  But there were so many grammatical errors, and even misspellings!!  It was a good story idea, don't get me wrong.  But I learned nothing more in the 235 pages I read than from reading the back of the book cover.  Perhaps one day I'll pick up a second book of hers and give it a try, but for now I'm too frustrated with her editor to think about it.  You can click here, and read an excerpt. 

Sorry about all the bitching about "published works". 
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